Matisse created a new form of art that would come to be known as the “decoupage” or “cut-out.” Matisse used scissors as a new medium and cut colored pieces of paper into different shapes. Create your own Matisse cut-out collage! Click below for instructions.
Rip, cut, and collage materials you find in your home for this activity inspired by the special exhibitionRobert Rauschenberg: Five Decades from the Whitney’s Collection.
Assemblage / Inspired by Louise Nevelson’s Sky Wall
Use materials around your home to create an assemblage inspired by Louise Nevelson who often constructed her puzzle-like wall sculptures or standing pieces out of multiple cut pieces of wood.
Georges Braque (French, 1882-1963) Still Life on Red Tablecloth, 1936
Still Life
Inspired by Georges Braque’s artwork, draw and paint your own still life by finding objects in your house and outdoor space that have texture, shape and color!
Chinese seals are stamps used to mark important documents, pieces of art, or contracts. Typically, they are carved into stone and often dipped into red ink. In this activity learn to make your Chinese seal!
Faith Ringgold (American, born 1930)⠀The French Collection Part II, #12, Moroccan Holiday,1997. Acrylic and ink on canvas with fabric. Purchase, R. H. Norton Trust, 98.765
Story Quilts
Using various types and colors of paper, create a story quilt inspired by Faith Ringgold's Moroccan Holiday! English and Spanish instructions are available.