
Concert: Golden Sounds
Sunday, January 12 / 3PM-4:30PM
Pianist Miki Sawada returns to Norton Museum with her husband Kristopher Tong, violinist of the Borromeo Quartet. They will perform three richly expressive works, ranging from the passionate, fiery, and nostalgic moods of Edward Elgar’s "Sonata" to Robert Honstein’s mercurial, lively, and introspective reflections on the urban parks of Frederick Law Olmstead. Written towards the end of his life in 1826, Franz Schubert's "Rondo in B Minor" is a virtuoso vehicle for both instruments, full of drama, charm, and ultimately, joy.
Cost: $35 (includes Museum Admission)/ Members $15
Space is limited; online registration required. Walk-ins welcome if tickets remain on the day of the program.
Stiller Auditorium
This program was made possible by the generosity of Lois Ebin, in memory of Thomas Pepper. Additional support was provided by the Gayle and Paul Gross Education Endowment Fund.