Curator Conversations

Norton curators provide insight and context to exhibitions they have organized and art and artists they have studied and admire. 

Curator Conversation / The Other Half of the Sky: Twentieth-Century Chinese Women Painters

Friday, October 8 / 6PM

This conversation introduces The Other Half of the Sky: Twentieth-Century Chinese Women Painters, which presents five works by four artists: Ren Xia (1876-1920), Wu Shujuan 1853-1930), Zhou Lianxia (1909-2000), and Chen Peiqiu (1922-2020). Senior in this group of women are: Wu Shujuan, who in 1915 and again in 1926 was hailed as “the most distinguished paintress of modern China”, and Ren Xia, who has been named as one of the top ten women painters in the history of Chinese artZhou Lianxia was named one of the three greatest women painters of the Republican Period (1912-1949) along with her friend Lu Xiaoman, who commented that Lu’s painting Butterflies and Corn Poppies was “extraordinary.” The junior member of this assemblage of women is Chen Peiqiu, who is often called the most famous woman Chinese painter of the twentieth-century.

This virtual program will be screened in the Stiller Family Foundation Auditorium.

Support for Curator Conversations was provided by the Gayle and Paul Gross Education Endowment Fund.