FREE on the Lawn


Thursday, June 2 / 8AM-10AM

The Norton offers free community programs outside on the northeast corner of the Museum property (at Jefferson Road and South Olive Avenue).

On Thursday mornings, Juying Janowsky, offers Tai Chi classes for all guests, from beginners to experienced practitioners. Enjoy an opportunity to try this traditional Chinese exercise to promote peace of mind and wellness through gentle, continuous movement.

Northeast Corner at Jefferson and South Olive

This is a FREE program

About Tai Chi and Chi King

Tai Chi and Chi Kung are ancient Chinese exercises with a more than five-thousand-year history that have been passed on and made relevant to today’s world. Their aim is to improve the physical and mental well-being of the practitioners though a series of slow physical exercises, breathing, and concentration.

Chi is the primal life-force that we inherit from parents at our conception. This force can be depleted by stress, illness, lack of exercise and poor nutrition. The supply of Chi can be implemented by regular exercise and the practice of Tai Chi and Chi Kung exercises, a healthy diet, and good nutrition.

Tai Chi and Chi King have proven medical benefits by enabling the Chi to flow freely through our bodies. These exercises, when practiced regularly will lead to better health, better balance, lowered blood-pressure and the ability to cope with stress from day-to-day living.

What you will need

Wear loose fitting comfortable clothes. Even though classes will take place in the morning, it will be hot, so dress appropriately. Shoes should be sneakers of other comfortable shoes that offer some support, but that are not too hard. Bring water with you. It is important and in order to get the maximum benefit from these exercises that you practice them at home, on a daily basis, if even for only a few minutes a day.

You can bring a video camera or use a cell phone to record the exercises while you are in class to help you remember them at home. Practicing at home is as important as attending the classes. Don’t be afraid or ashamed of making mistakes. No one is born knowing how to do these exercises and, we can only get better at doing them by making errors and learning from them. Feel free to ask your teacher if you are having any problems with learning of experiencing any difficulties with learning the exercises. After the class she will be happy to help you and to clarify anything that you need to achieve the maximum benefit from your practice.

We hope that you will join us. Thanks to the Norton Museum of Art for this unique opportunity to learn from and to benefit from these classes.

Summer at the Norton was made possible by the generosity of the Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation, with additional support provided by Irene and Jim Karp.