A Closer Look

Closer Look is open to everyone curious about art! Learning and Community Engagement staff invites participants to look closely at a single artwork in the Norton’s Collection. We discuss the artwork, its potential meanings, and participants’ viewpoints.
VIRTUAL A Closer Look: Andy Goldsworthy’s River Ice Wrapped Around a River Stone
Tuesday, December 1 / 1PM-2PM
Andy Goldsworthy’s River Ice Wrapped Around a River Stone, 1992
Nature is not just a subject for Andy Goldsworthy’s art, but it is also the material, the studio, and a gallery as well. As Goldsworthy experiences a particular setting, he determines what his artistic response will be, then uses materials at hand to fabricate his work. Take A Closer Look at the environmental artist’s use of natural materials and photography to reimagine sculpture.
Support for this program was provided by the Maurer Family Fund for Arts Education Endowment.